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Payment Related


Payment Related

  • What payment methods do we support?

  • What should I pay attention to when making a payment?

    Secure website: Ensure payment is made using a secure and trusted website. Check if the website starts with 'https://' and has a lock icon, indicating that the website is encrypted.

    Public network: Avoid sensitive payment operations on public networks (such as wireless networks in coffee shops or libraries), as this may make your payment information vulnerable to attacks.

    Trust source: Only make payments at online stores or service providers you trust. Avoid clicking on unknown links or untrusted advertisements to prevent fraud.

    Check the bill: Confirm the order amount on the payment page to ensure it matches your expected amount. Also check if there are any additional fees.

    Protection password: When making payments, do not enter the password in public or shared environments with others. Use strong passwords and change them regularly.

    Multiple authentication: If your payment method supports multiple authentication (such as SMS verification code or fingerprint recognition), please make sure to enable it to increase payment security.

    Payment confirmation: Before payment, carefully check the order information to ensure that the shipping address, product quantity, and price are accurate and accurate.

    Payment History: Keep payment confirmation pages or payment history records for future inquiries and reconciliation.

    Payment voucher: After payment, save the payment confirmation email or screenshot of the page as the payment voucher for future reference or rights protection.

    Contact customer service: If you encounter any abnormal situations or problems during the payment process, please contact the merchant's customer service team in a timely manner.

    By following the above suggestions, you can remain vigilant during the payment process and ensure the security of your payment information and funds. If you have any questions or need assistance during the payment process, please feel free to contact our customer service team at any time. We will wholeheartedly provide you with support.

  • How do we handle payment-related issues?

    If you have any questions about payment transactions, you can communicate with us through the contact page. We will arrange professional colleagues to answer all your questions about payment transactions. Let you buy with confidence and use with confidence.

  • Refund related matters

    When you have not signed a contract and the product has not yet been shipped. You can contact our sales partners in time to inform them of your needs. This will allow the sales partners to handle your needs faster and avoid unnecessary trouble for you.