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Account Management


Account Management

  • Will my account information be leaked?

  • How to modify personal information?

    You can modify personal information at any time to ensure that your account information is up-to-date and accurate. The following are the general steps for modifying personal information:

    Login account: Use your account name and password to log in to your account.

    Accessing Personal Information: On the account page or personal settings page, you will find an option, usually 'Personal Information' or 'My Information'.

    Edit Information: By clicking on "Edit" or similar options, you will be able to edit your personal information, such as name, address, contact information, etc.

    Save Changes: After you finish editing, make sure to click on "Save" or "Update" to apply your changes to your account.

    Confirm changes: Once you save the changes, the system may require you to re-enter your password or perform other authentication to ensure that you are the account holder.

  • What if I forget my login password?

    If you forget your login password, don't worry. You can reset your password by following these steps:

    Firstly, on the login page, click "Forgot Password".

    Secondly, enter the email address associated with your account. Please enter your registration email.

    Thirdly, you will receive an email containing a link to reset your password. Click on the link and you will be guided to a page where you can set a new password.

    Fourthly, enter a new password and confirm to ensure that you choose a password with sufficient security strength. Fifth, save your new password and ensure that you can remember it. You can now log in to your account with the new password.

    Finally, if you encounter any issues during the password reset process or are unable to receive a password reset email, please contact our customer service team promptly. They will help you restore access to your account and ensure that you can continue to enjoy our services.